Friday, January 27, 2012

Random House of Fun

All done in graphite pencil and accented with gel pen. These are two of my favorite style bloggers. And a style bloggers lovely pair of shoes.
 So hope everyone's 2012 is off to an alright start. Mine has been super stress filled already. But what else is new with my life. I've been having little time for drawing except some forced drawing for my portfolio. Hopefully the third time is the charm. Too bad I can't just get a degree from traveling around the world and interacting with other people in various cultures. I think that would be ideal. Oh well. I'm hoping once school dies down to do some killer watercolor pieces and design a new line of clothes. I've been meaning and wanting to desperately so. Also I've become addicted to Pinterest. Oh boy I love the inspiration coming from that site it's fantastic. You should definitely check it out. Any who here is what I've been playing around with and subsequently working on for the last week and a half. In addition to studying for three mid terms and pulling my hair out.
A beautiful picture was up on and I had to try drawing it. Good practice definitely. 

Also I've been a naughty girl and did an haul and got some great pieces I shall be wearing constantly until they are completely and utterly worn out.

I got a pair of  orange pants, which I have been obsessively looking for and there is no luck finding none terrible looking orange pants for people over a size 14 so I waited, and ASOS answered my prayers. Orange skinny jeans but beggars can't be choosers.  Plus these will go in my boots. Plus I got some really black skinny jeans once again wanted boot cut but again will go great with boots, and then a blowy top to go with them in a neutral tone. I've been wanting the shirt with chair print, but I'm waiting for a sale because a piece of ploy/cotton blend is not worth 63$.

Keep it fierce ya'll

I'll be posting some of the outfits with these pieces soon as soon as they arrive.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yes Yes

An outfit I wore the other week. I'm in love with the fit and flare ie skater style out right now.

I've been rocking my bright orange Goodwill cardigan hard with a simple white dress shirt underneath. It's the easiest thing to pull on and still look like you thought about it that morning.

The conglomeration of the "Subjective" pieces

Trying out new watercolor techniques

Trying to learn how to use colored pencils in a way that their texture won't annoy me.
Quick one.

Keep it Fierce


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Update on Pieces

So here is the promised update on the "Subjective" pieces I've been working on. Also I've included the swatches and colored renderings I did for last quarters Costume Final. I'm not sure if I really like them, but at least they are period accurate in style. Although not accurate in color, which I felt was fine for the purposes I was using it for. The play was A Midsummer's' Nights Dream. Also a quick self portrait I was playing around with. Photo's aren't super great sorry.

Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holidays and a spectacular new years eve. Happy 2012!

and remember.

Keep it Fierce

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh my goodness this is awesome. I just hope the link works! Follow the link and watch the epic ness of Ian McKellen.